To maintain the quality and integrity of our verification process, Verifier Bodies need to pay several fees related to SLCP verifications. Some fees go directly to SLCP (see Table 1), while others are paid to different partners (see Table 2).
Table 1- Fees paid by Verifiers Bodies to SLCP
All fees are currently in effect unless stated otherwise.
Process | Applied to | Amount (USD) | What does this fee cover | ||
VBs are responsible for all bank fees associated with the payment of invoices from SLCP. If your bank supports it, please select the option "I will pay all costs" (or similar) to ensure this is handled appropriately |
Application | VB Initial Application (1 time fee) |
Full APSCA member who wants to become an SLCP-approved Verifier Body.
USD 390 | Internal application reviews; VB comms; VB dashboard updates. | |
VB Supplemental Application | SLCP-approved Verifier Body, (APSCA Full or Provisional Member) who wants to apply for one or more new countries in which you want to operate | USD 165 | Internal application reviews; VB comms; VB dashboard updates; APSCA outreach to cross check data. | ||
Verifier Initial Application (1 time fee) |
APSCA ASCA or CSCA Auditor Member in good standing associated with an approved SLCP VB (APSCA Full/ Provisional/ Applicant member) who wants to become an SLCP approved Verifier.
USD 615 | Detailed internal application reviews (specifically on previous social audit experience); Verifiers comms; dashboard updates; APSCA outreach to cross check data; exam; proctor fees; red flagging for SLCP; mandatory desktop review*(VOO) | |
CSCA** | USD 465 | Internal application review; Verifier comms; dashboard updates; APSCA outreach to cross check data; exam; proctor fees; red flagging for SLCP; mandatory desktop review*(VOO) | |||
Verifier Supplemental Application Cost for ASCA and CSCA | SLCP-approved Verifier with APSCA ASCA or CSCA status in good standing, associated with an APSCA Full/ Provisional/ Applicant member and you want to apply for one or more new countries in which you want to operate. | USD 190 | Internal application reviews; Verifier comms; VB dashboard updates. | ||
Verification |
Verification Upcharge Fee |
SLCP verifications
300 USD/verification for SLCP CAF Version 1.6 350 USD/verification for SLCP CAF Version 1.7
This fee covers the costs to maintain the SLCP system. | |
Quality failures**** | Extra QA activities |
SLCP-approved VBs at Risk level 2 and 3 in the Integrity Oversight Program |
Can go up to USD 5,250 Examples below. VB reinstatement (if suspended): up to USD 2,500 Verifier reactivation fee (if deactivated/ suspended): minimum charge USD 200 |
Ad-hoc investigation; QA activities: Shadow Verification, Desktop; VOO review of the next three VRF produced by VB; Focused VB Systems Check; Suspension management: Reinstatement/reactivation management | |
Quality Failure Fees (effective March 31, 2025) | Initial CAR: The first instance a Key Quality Issue Category (KQIC) is found. | USD 765 | Any quality issues from the “Key Quality Issue Category” List identified in VB and Verifier activities (e.g., finalized reports) | ||
Interim Alert: Used when the same KQIC is found while a CAR is still within a CAP implementation window | USD 0 | ||||
Repeat CAR: Issued when the same KQIC is identified after the 70-day implementation window of an Initial CAR and within the 12-month active period of the Initial CAR. | USD 865 | ||||
Double Repeat CAR: Issued when the same KQIC is found after the 30-day implementation window of a Repeat CAR and during the12-month active period. Double Repeat CARs can be issued multiple times within the 12-month active period. | USD 965 |
*ASCA: Associate Social Compliance Auditor is enrolled with APSCA, gaining experience under the supervision/ guidance of a CSCA. Has signed APSCA’s Code of Professional Conduct.
** CSCA: Certified Social Compliance Auditor who has completed the CSCA process. Has signed APSCA’s Code of Professional Conduct.
*** Mandatory desktop review: Each Verifier will receive a standardized desktop review from the outset. The Verification Oversight Organization (VOO) will assess these reviews, providing feedback to help Verifiers understand areas for improvement. This process also evaluates the quality review conducted by the Verifier Body, assuming the reviewer pays extra attention to new Verifiers. If numerous mistakes are found, it may indicate a concerning quality standard.
****Quality Failure fees: Special charges applied to Verifier Bodies (VBs) for low performance. In addition to fees for extra quality assurance activities already in place, SLCP has developed new quality failure fees related to Corrective Action Requests (CAR) and Corrective Action Plans (CAP) management. This fee will cover the VOO’s tasks, including issuing the CAR, communicating with VBs, reviewing and monitoring the CAP, and analyzing the results. For more details, go here.
Table 2- Other Fees
The table below summarizes all other fees applicable to Verifier Bodies, facilities, and end-users that are not paid directly to SLCP but are related to SLCP verification.
Process | Applied to | Amount (US$) | Paid by | What does this fee cover | |
Gateway Account |
SLCP- approved VBs |
Free of Charge | N/A | Registering and utilizing the Gateway are free of charge. We also provide many resources free of charge, e.g., the Converged Assessment Framework, e-learning and FAQs. |
Verification |
SLCP verifications |
Varies by Verifier Bodies (VBs) | Facility to Verifier Body |
Each VB determines their individual price quotation for the verification after a facility’s request. To inform your pricing for facilities refer to the following:
Accredited Host (AH) |
SLCP facilities/ SLCP-approved Verifiers/ End-users |
Varies by Accredited Hosts (AHs) |
Accredited Host may implement different fees based on the type of accounts:
Verifiers may need to pay a fee to the Accredited Host to use their platform. Please check with each AH on the specific fee. |
For more information about the charges read the Verifier Body Requirements document.