Brands that commit to accepting SLCP verified data can communicate this via the Brands Acceptance list on our website. The list indicates from which countries and tiers brands accept SLCP verified data from their suppliers. Brands can also state which Tool Step needs to be completed for facilities to share the data.
We ask that a brand that chooses to accept SLCP verified data:
- Communicates this with their suppliers and redirects them to the SLCP e-learning and Helpdesk for guidance.
- Accepts any SLCP approved Verifier Body to verify the data (the choice is made by the facility).
- Does not conduct duplicative social compliance audits.
- Redirects resources saved to improvement actions.
Facilities can use this template letter to convince buyers that are not already accepting SLCP verified data to do so. Also, if a brand communicates that they are accepting but are nevertheless refusing SLCP verified data, the facility can use this form to inform us (and start an investigation).