Yes! A Shadow Verification is an on-site observation of an SLCP verification. Any interested stakeholder that is not a representative of a Verifier Body (VB) can conduct a Shadow Verification. This includes:
- Brands
- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Other interested parties
Why conduct a Shadow Verification?
By observing a Shadow Verification, interested stakeholders will gain hands-on experience
in the Verifier’s on-site work and gain a better understanding of how SLCP’s Verification
Protocol is implemented in practice.
What are the steps to arrange and conduct Shadow Verification?
- Interested stakeholders identify the facility for the Shadow Verification (check the Facility list on Gateway)
- Interested stakeholders reach out and inform the facility about their plans to conduct a Shadow Verification.
- Interested stakeholders submit the Shadow/Observation Request Form to request facilities’ approval and inform the VOO.
- The facility approves the verification request
- Interested stakeholders get ready for the Shadow Verification by reviewing SLCP Verification Protocol
- Interested stakeholders conduct the Shadow Verification and- while onsite- fill in the Shadow Observation Report
- Interested stakeholders share the Shadow Observation Report with SLCP and schedule a joint call to analyze the results and share feedback.
How does SLCP support stakeholders with Shadow Verifications?
To ensure a fair and accurate assessment of a Verifier’s work, it is essential that all interested stakeholders are familiar with SLCP requirements before going onsite. To support this, SLCP helps through:
- Training on the Shadow Verification process and how to use the Shadow Observation Report template.
- Joint discussions after the Shadow Verification on findings and observations, ensuring that feedback is analysed and translated into actionable improvements.
How does SLCP use Shadow Verification Report data?
- Shadow Verification results, like other Quality Assurance (QA) processes, are reviewed for potential issues that may require further investigation or Corrective Action Requests (CARs).
- Every feedback submission is assessed for quality, and the insights gathered help improve SLCP’s processes and verification systems
Where can I find all the details on how to get ready and to conduct a shadow verification?
Check our Shadow Verification Info-Pack here.