SLCP Basics
- Cost overview: What are the fees associated with SLCP?
- SLCP WE Tech: how does SLCP use worker engagement technology (WE Tech)?
- What is the Social & Labor Convergence Program (SLCP)?
- Key SLCP terms explained: what are SLCP specific words?
- SLCP process: what is the assessment process like?
- SLCP process: what are the rules for verification?
- SLCP Verification: are SLCP verifications announced or unannounced?
- SLCP Verification: what are the rules for a virtual verification?
- SLCP process: how is the worker voice included in the assessment? How are Worker Engagement Technologies used to gather data?
- SLCP process: what are the SLCP assessment statuses?
- Scoring and follow-up: which standard does SLCP use?
- SLCP global presence: in which countries/regions are we available?
- Stay updated: how to receive SLCP updates and news?
- SLCP Public Affairs: Human Rights Due Diligence